National Water Week is an annual awareness campaign of the Department of Water Affairs which seeks to focus attention on water as a scarce and precious commodity in our country.
Minister Molewa is therefore appealing to every South African to take practical steps to conserve and protect water resources. This means citizens are encouraged to use at least one of the water saving tips the Department has introduced. These can be found on the Department’s website www.dwa.gov.za and on various other media platforms available to all South Africans.
Celebrated under this year’s theme: Water is life; Respect it, Conserve it, Enjoy it, National water week aims:
• Raise awareness around the need to conserve and protect water resources
• Highlight the Departments plans and achievements as custodian of the country`s
water resources
• Ensure water is put firmly on the national agenda
• Encourage everyone to use water sparingly at all times
• Call upon all citizens to ensure each person uses water wisely and sparingly at all
• Remind citizens that South Africa is a water scarce country and that water is a finite
During National Water week a series of key activities are planned across the country. Minister Molewa and Deputy Minister Rejoice Madubafhasi will lead some of the events and activities (program of events available on the dwa website)Minister Molewa will also lead a delegation to the 6th International World Water Forum in Marseilles France from March 12 to 17, 2012 . The 6th WWF is billed as a “Forum of Solutions” which aims find practical solutions to water related problems.
The launch of National Water Week will take place at the Vaal Dam on Monday 5 March 2012. This will be a Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement initiative aimed at highlighting the illegal activities compromising water use in the very important Vaal River system which forms the backbone of the country`s economic hub.