Pick n Pay
Story: Pick n Pay successfully implemented a water management system at its KZN Distribution Centre (DC).
Impact: Condensation water from the DC is captured and fed into the cooling towers. This helps reduce scaling in the towers (as there are no ground chemicals present) and ultimately creates better efficiency. The water also is also used to supply staff toilets with ‘grey’ water. In addition to this, as a direct result of the new water management system, the DC is able to operate its refrigeration cooling towers at times that municipal water is turned off, meaning there are not work stoppages. A possible reduction of municipal water usage is currently being investigated.
The next phase of the project will see rainwater being collected from the DC roof, along with the creation of a water tank or pond to store the water, at which point a water purification system will also be installed. These measures aim to ensure the DC is able to generate the bulk of its own water supply, and ultimately make the facility less reliant on municipal water.