The MadiDrop empowers the user to control microbial contamination in their drinking water. At household point of use, this product eliminates contamination that may originate from the source, transportation, or storage. The MadiDrop can destroy a wide range of waterborne pathogens and is highly effective against total coliform and E. coli bacteria. The MadiDrop provides a reliable barrier against secondary contamination and is an excellent solution for protecting stored water. Storing water in uncontrolled conditions (open or unsealed containers) can result in recontamination, which can undo the efforts of previous treatment and filtration techniques. One (1) MadiDrop placed and left in a water storage container of up to 20 litres will keep the water free of bacteria and other harmful organisms for weeks at a time.
Disinfects the household’s daily water supply.
Address residual contamination left behind by other treatments.
Protects stored water from contamination.