National Water Week is March 16-22 2015 (coinciding with World Water Day on 22 March) it’s time to start thinking about activities learners can do to heighten their awareness around water conservation and mark this event!
WESSA have put together a selection of free, fun and learner-friendly resources to help you plan your school’s Water activities:
miniSASS is a simple tool which can be used by anyone to monitor the health of a river. You collect a sample of macroinvertebrates (small animals) from the water, and depending on which groups are found, you have a measure of the general river health and water quality in that river.
More tools and information on this ground breaking citizen science project may be found on the new miniSASS website . Don’t forget to register on the website and upload your school’s miniSASS findings!
WESSA Share-Net Water Week Pack
Share-Net, WESSA’s environmental education resource project, has put together an exciting resource pack to support education around National Water Week and World Water Day. Click here for more information.
Win with WESSA Eco-Schools
The first five teachers to let WESSA know how they plan to celebrate World Water at their school stand to win a miniSASS starter kit, complete with a cool green net!
Send your pictures!
WESSA would love to see pictures of your learners hands on water activities in March so remember to email these to us.
Written by:Victoria and Rendani
WESSA Western Cape Eco-Schools