Through innovative solutions, 27 greywater disposal points have been created to ensure a responsible disposal of grey water in Langrug Informal Settlement. They are designed to filter, clean and channel grey water into our natural water cleaning system. This low tech, easily maintained solutions helps to address the key challenges faced by the communities such as health and well being. These disposal points were implemented as part of the Genius of SPACE project to help Langrug Informal Settlement with water and waste management to ensure better living conditions for the community.
By donating to the WASH system, you create and sustain jobs for the FLOW Agents and ensure the cleaning of the grey water disposal points. You are also assisting in preventing pollution of the Berg River.
Through your contribution, we are able to support even more Langrug community members. Part of this donation is to drive education in water and waste management to enable them to maintain and sustain the Genius of SPACE and Meza2Meza projects.These Community Members are also a big part of facilitating neighbourhood collaboration, and take part in empowering others in creating a safe and clean environment for all.
You can help by supporting members for a month R3600, a week R900 or even a day R180.
According to a 2017 GreenCape market intelligence report, 37% of South Africa’s water supply is lost through leaks across many cities. Many aged and vulnerable people cannot afford a plumber to fix their leaks. FLOW aims to enable these people to fix their leaks, thereby helping to prevent day Zero in Cape Town and ensure long term resilience.
On average it costs around R480 for a plumber to ascertain leak detection and underground pipe locating.
We are currently developing a new project and will release it in this space shortly.
Support future water development project initiated by FLOW.
Every drop helps to keep FLOW flowing. We will channel these funds into supporting our ongoing clean water solutions, education and awareness projects.
A R50 monthly donation can provide a water and solid waste skills training workshop as well as employment for a FLOW agent for 1 week!
Account Name: FLOW
Bank: First National Bank
Branch Code: 201409
Branch Name: Adderley Street
Account Number: 62313622260
Account Type: Cheque Account
Swift Code for foreign bank accounts: FIRNZAJJ