The African Marine MegaTransect
According to the United Nations Environmental Program, coral reefs are essential global life support systems. Along the east Coast of Africa lies one of the world’s most important coral reefs ecosystems. It represents the food lifeline to millions of people, yet we know very little and have focused hardly any attention to these reefs in comparison to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, or the coral reef triangle in the Pacific. The coral reef in East Africa, like many the word over is dying, but just how fast, and to what extent is largely unknown.
Climate change, increasing sea temperatures and ocean acidification are among the global challenges, while overfishing, the use of destructive fishing gears like dynamite and pollution represent local challenges. In Lieu of the importance of understanding the how fast the coral reefs are dying and the relationship between climate change and societal needs, Moving Sushi is launching the African Marine MegaTransect Expedition 2017 – 2018. The task is simple: “To use scientific exploration and open access data to fast track the understanding of the social, economic and biological needs for the conservation and sustainable use of key marine resources associate with the coral reef ecosystem of East Africa.” In doing so the team will use new innovative techniques for fish assessments and coral reef health determination. Furthermore the team will explore new innovative techniques like fluorescence to unlock new scientific discoveries in the region. The expedition is line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals by increasing scientific knowledge, developing research capacity and enhancing our ability to conserve key resources and ecosystems.
Moving Sushi uses scientific exploration and open access data to fast track the understanding of the social, economic and biological needs for the conservation and sustainable use of key marine resources.
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