For Love of Water (FLOW) has a few core members, but really it is a community of like-minded and like-hearted people.
The following individuals and companies have donated time, services, energy, goods and/or funds to FLOW:
Justin Friedman, Juliet Browne, Catherine Barnhoorn, Joe De Kadt (Greenhouse); Helen Lockhardt, Renee Leeuwner (Two Oceans Aquarium); Andre Nel, Bronwen Rohland (Pick n Pay); Ms Fitz (Zolani Mahola); Ms Rose (Kyla Rose-Smith); Guy Buttery; Ronan Skillen; Donovan Copley (Hot Water); Hanli Prinsloo (I am water freediving); Sevi Spanoudi (Freshlyground); Candice Pelser, Mark Bromage (Activist Films); Leonie Mervis (EcoBuzz); Catherine Morris (Greenhome 100% Biodegradable); Toby Groenewald (Fittees); Christophe Labesse (Township Patterns); Shani Judes; Nicole Bester; Jonx Pillemer Photography; Caron Von Zeil (Reclaim Camissa); Nikki Chamberlain (PR Specialist); Jean Pierre Hartmann; Bridget McNulty; Erica Wicomb; Nola Bond & Shaun Cothill (DM Kisch Law Firm); Jolene Cartmill; Grace Stead (Steadfast Greening); David Hemson; Patrick Bond; Brent Palmer; Jessica Doucha; Stuart Rothgiesser; Ann Lowrie; Carly Tanur; Samantha Brauer; Nox Jada; Paul Lipshitz (Fearless Interactive Media); Hannah Loewenthal; Yossi Screenprint; Jeremy & Carol Midgley (Art of Living); Sri Sri Ravi Sh; Lisa Cohen; Xoli Fuyaniankar; Mildred & Mike (Harold Import Company); Alexi & Jeri Silverman; Warren Turner; Sheryl Ozinsky; Clare Louise Thomas (Image Incubator); Steve Venter; Howard Butcher (Peace of Eden), Marc Algranti (Producer/Exec Producer), Daniel Eppel (producer/engineer), Clara Tilve (Production Assistant and Photographer), Jolene Cartmill, Cate Hornby, Bernelle Verster, AMCOW, UN-Water, UN-HABITAT, UNSGAB, Consulate General of the Kingdom of Netherlands, ICLEI, WISA, SALGA, UNEP, DWA-Regional, City of Cape Town, DEADP, Clicks Group, Wessa, Ogilvyearth, Primedia (LEADSA Endorsed), IndaloYethu, YWP, WISA, Ecomaties, Ratanga Junction, Design Indaba, CTICC.
We are always looking to grow our community. If you would like to be part of or contribute to FLOW, please email us.